Enhancing Scalability and Efficiency for Scalers with Custom Internal Tools

In today’s fast-paced business environment, start-ups and established companies alike require robust, scalable solutions to streamline their operations and enhance productivity. This case study focuses on our collaboration with Scalers, a Saudi-based start-up dedicated to helping companies hire quality candidates. Initially, Scalers relied on Airtable to manage the daily operations of their customer success team. However, as the company grew, Airtable's limitations became apparent. This led Scalers to seek a more scalable, efficient solution. ZeroCodez stepped in to develop a custom internal application using Retool, leveraging various technologies including OpenSearch, REST APIs, workflows for automation, Slack APIs, and more.


Scalers is a forward-thinking start-up specializing in the recruitment industry. Their mission is to assist companies in finding and hiring top talent efficiently. With a growing client base and increasing operational complexity, Scalers needed a robust system to manage their customer success team’s activities and data more effectively.

Challenges Faced:

  • Scalability Issues: Airtable, while initially effective, could not handle the increasing volume of data and complexity of operations as Scalers expanded.

  • Inefficient Workflows: The manual processes involved in managing candidate and client data were time-consuming and prone to errors.

  • Integration Limitations: Integrating Airtable with other tools and APIs essential for Scalers' operations was challenging and limited in functionality.


To address these challenges, Scalers outlined several objectives for the new internal application:

  1. Scalability: Develop a solution that can grow with the company and handle large volumes of data seamlessly.

  2. Efficiency: Streamline workflows to save time and reduce the risk of errors.

  3. Integration: Ensure smooth integration with essential tools and APIs, such as Slack and various REST APIs.

  4. Automation: Automate repetitive tasks to free up the customer success team’s time for more strategic activities.

  5. Customizability: Provide a flexible and customizable platform to meet the unique needs of Scalers’ operations.

Solution: Custom Internal Application Using Retool

To meet these objectives, ZeroCodez designed and developed a custom internal application using Retool. Retool is a powerful platform that allows for the rapid development of internal tools with a no-code/low-code approach, making it an ideal choice for creating scalable and efficient applications.

Technologies Used:

  • OpenSearch: For handling large volumes of data efficiently.

  • Retool: As the primary platform for building the internal application.

  • REST APIs: For seamless integration with other systems and tools.

  • Slack API: To facilitate communication and notifications within the customer success team.

  • Workflows: To automate repetitive tasks and streamline operations.

  • Dynamic Query Builder using JS Query: To create flexible and customizable data queries.

  • Custom Components: To address specific needs and enhance functionality.


1. Data Management with OpenSearch

OpenSearch was chosen as the database solution due to its robustness and ability to handle large datasets efficiently. This decision ensured that Scalers' internal application could scale effortlessly as the volume of data increased.

  • Data Ingestion: Data from various sources, including existing Airtable databases, was ingested into OpenSearch. This involved cleaning and transforming the data to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.

  • Indexing: Data was indexed in a way that allowed for fast and efficient querying, crucial for the application’s performance.

2. Building the Application with Retool

Retool's no-code/low-code environment enabled the rapid development of the internal application, which included several key components:

  • GUI Development: A user-friendly GUI was created to allow the customer success team to interact with the data easily. This included dashboards, forms, and tables that displayed real-time data from OpenSearch.

  • Custom Components: Where necessary, custom components were developed to meet specific requirements. This included specialized input fields, data visualizations, and workflow triggers.

3. Integration with REST APIs and Slack API

To ensure seamless integration with other tools and systems, several REST APIs were utilized. This included:

  • Candidate and Client Data: Integration with external systems to pull in candidate and client data.

  • Communication Tools: Using the Slack API to send notifications and updates directly to the customer success team’s Slack channels.

4. Workflow Automation

Workflows were created to automate repetitive tasks, significantly improving efficiency. This included:

  • Automated Data Updates: Automatically update candidate and client data based on certain triggers, such as new applications or status changes.

  • Notification Workflows: Automatically send notifications to relevant team members via Slack when specific events occur.

5. Dynamic Query Builder using JS Query

To provide flexibility in data querying, a dynamic query builder was implemented using JS Query. This allowed users to create custom queries based on their specific needs, without requiring deep technical knowledge.

  • Query Templates: Pre-built templates for common queries were provided to save time and effort.

  • Custom Queries: Users could also build and save their queries for future use.

6. Activities Tracking

Tracking the activities of the customer success team was crucial for measuring performance and identifying areas for improvement. The application included features to log and track various activities, such as candidate interactions, client meetings, and follow-ups.

Results and Impact

The implementation of the custom internal application using Retool had a significant impact on Scalers’ operations:

1. Enhanced Scalability:

  • The use of OpenSearch allowed Scalers to handle large volumes of data effortlessly, ensuring that the application could grow with the company.

2. Improved Efficiency:

  • Workflow automation and streamlined processes reduced the time spent on repetitive tasks, allowing the customer success team to focus on more strategic activities.

3. Seamless Integration:

  • Integration with REST APIs and the Slack API ensured that all essential tools and systems were connected, providing a unified platform for managing operations.

4. Flexibility and Customizability:

  • The dynamic query builder and custom components provided the flexibility needed to meet Scalers’ unique requirements, ensuring that the application could be tailored to their specific needs.

5. Better Data Management:

  • The move from Airtable to OpenSearch improved data management, making it easier to store, retrieve, and analyze large datasets.

6. Increased Productivity:

  • The overall productivity of the customer success team increased as a result of the more efficient processes and tools provided by the new application.


The collaboration between ZeroCodez and Scalers exemplifies the power of custom internal tools in transforming business operations. By leveraging advanced technologies such as OpenSearch, Retool, REST APIs, and workflow automation, we were able to create a scalable, efficient, and highly customizable solution that met Scalers' growing needs. This case study highlights the importance of understanding client requirements and providing tailored solutions that not only meet but exceed expectations. As Scalers continues to grow, the new internal application will serve as a robust foundation, supporting their mission to help companies hire quality candidates more effectively.


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